
Showing posts from January, 2007

Another good day

Today was such a good day. Sarah is finally home from the hospital and feeling well again. I've decided to keep her home from school tomorrow - I wish I could keep her home all the time! She is so torn; loving having friends her age again and having teachers, etc., yet wanting to be home and spend her time how she wants to and feeling so frustrated with make-up work, home work, etc. It reminds me of me - never fully fitting in anywhere. Poor thing! Anyway, I got to read the paper today and visit with Zachary about his evening at Mayhem. Drank my two cups of coffee, too. By then it was almost 11 a.m. and the rest of the tribe was stirring, so I mixed up waffles and blueberry sauce. "Whipping-up" as applied to waffles is somewhat of a misnomer - each waffle takes 3 minutes to cook, so a double batch can take close to an hour to make! Stephen arrived home before everyone had eaten, so all my kiddos were home and we had a fun breakfast together. Zachary volunteered