
Showing posts from May, 2016

To My Husband on Mother's Day

Where do I begin? You are my life­ partner, my one and only love, the man with whom I ­- we - ­ have created our amazing family. Most of the time I recognize that I have been a good mother. Motherhood for me has seemed a kind of calling; ­ the one thing I knew I could do and do well ­ and enjoy more than any endeavor I have ever undertaken. But without you, my love, I could not have been the good mother I have been. You have supported me without fail, always ready to help or take over, regardless of how tired you might be after a long day in the field or exhausted from weeks of traveling. One regret I have (though not the only one) is that I didn’t adequately show you what a wonderful father and life ­mate you are. All those years of sharing the feedings, bathing the babies and children, taking over when you got home, reading, story­telling, holding, laughing, loving our children without fail,­ all those things you did from your never ending well of lo