
Showing posts from June, 2007

Family Strife

Sometimes, out of the blue, something happens to remind me of how radically different my family relationships are than the typical. It’s always such a surprise when this happens; so much so that I rarely speak up to say that family strife does not have to be the “norm.” Last night my dd, 14, and I took a knitting class. I’m the one who wanted to learn how to knit; my dd came along as my security blanket. I have very little self-confidence when it comes to learning how to do something new in front of other people. Anyway, the class was taught be a lovely Australian woman. Our classmates included two middle-aged sisters and one of their daughters and another young woman who was far too skilled to be in our beginner’s class! Altogether it was a delightful evening, but at one point, the conversation turned toward children and teenagers. Our teacher talked about how her adult sons know nothing about her as a person; don’t even really think of her as a “person.” She

Rising to the occasion

Lately I've been on a bread-making jaunt. My last one was in January. They usually last a couple of weeks at a time, but I'm hopeful I'll be able to sustain this one for a longer period of time. I finally found a good all-purpose whole wheat bread that my youngest dd will eat. It soft and mild tasting, with no added crunchiness. This is essential to her favorite breakfast - a piece of bread with peanut butter and chocolate chips; milk-chocolate, not semi-sweet. So far this week I've made bread three times; a whole grain oat bread, Vienna bread and easy overnight-started bread, all from Laurel's Kitchen Bread Book. I never used to have much success with many of the breads from this cookbook. Now that I have a Kichenaid stand mixer, I realize I never kneaded the bread long enough by hand. Making bread is part of my desire to live my principles and eat as locally as I can. I have to be careful, however, as I tend to easily place myself in a box and then feel ho